If feels like it's been forever since I last posted any updates.
I keep promising myself that I will stay up to date, and show you all my new makes as I make them, and yet here I am again with a backlog of stuff. Argh!
So just to fill you in on what's going on.... Just after Christmas, I signed up to a programme called Etsy Resolutions 2016 via Facebook. It was a group aimed at new Etsy sellers, with online webinars & lots of really useful information on how to improve your Etsy shop & listings. It has been absolutely fantastic, but also very time consuming (as I had already opened my shop) to go back to the beginning & make lots of changes & updates. Throw in a young family, a part time job, a house that refuses to clean itself, and it turns out that my time has to be spread somewhat thinly amongst the rest.
It's been a great eye opener though, and it has given me a renewed sense of determination to really try to improve my needle felting & to be more consistent with my online presence.
Soooo, enough of the blah, blah, and onto the fun stuff! What have I been making??
A few new things to show you, so I'll pick up where I left off in my last post and bring you up to speed.......
Coming up first.... Needle Felted Fairy houses!
I've actually changed the door today on the pink fairy house. I used a dark purple for the door originally, and as you can see in the pic, it is horrendous to photograph. It looks really dark & I couldn't capture the colour properly at all on camera. So I have changed it to a lighter brown colour, which looks much better.
I decided to do these a little bit differently from the usual Toadstool style of fairy houses that I usually do & opted for flower roofs instead. I think they are really cute & fun, and they are free standing (I usually like to mount them onto a wooden disc, but these were a bit too wide at the base for the discs I have.) I added some 'grass' around the bottom so they still look like they are part of the forest floor & they look 'complete'.
These are available in my
Etsy shop.